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Lakeshore Camp and Retreat Center’s mission statement is “Provide ways for ALL to encounter life, love, and the Grace of God.” It has operated successfully for 76 years with a separately incorporated status since 2011with a covenantal entity relationship with the Tennessee Western Kentucky (TWK) Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. The Executive Director will lead Lakeshore Camp and Retreat Center into its next stage of offering life-changing experiences following a successful 30 plus year tenure by an Executive Director and Office Manager husband/ wife team. The Executive Director retired from Lakeshore after his retirement was announced to the Board over a year ago. There is presently an experienced Interim Executive Director leading Lakeshore during this period of transition.

Lakeshore has 300 beds with a budget of approximately $1.3 million. The Executive Director will directly supervise 5 full-time, year-round department heads with a total of 10 full-time, year-round staff, 10 part-time/seasonal, and approximately 40 summer staff. The Executive Director will live on-site in housing provided by Lakeshore and be responsible for overnight hosting one to two times a month.

As a separately incorporated site, Lakeshore operates with a Board that supervises the Executive Director.


  • Experience in the role of Camp, Conference, or Retreat Center Director or Executive Director or experience in a similar ministry setting
  • Excellent organizational and managerial skills
  • Self-awareness and effective communication skills for leading staff and supporters
  • Understanding of the UMC structure and theology
  • Desire and ability to collaborate with the TWK Annual Conference and all of its camps
  • Open communication with and desire for missional alignment with the Conference, the

 Lakeshore Board of Directors, and other camps in the Conference

  • A compassionate heart for marginalized and at-risk populations
  • A bachelor’s degree or greater in a related field


  • Oversee all business and fiscal affairs
  • Create a yearly budget with the Board’s Financial Committee and manage the site to that budget
  • Directly supervise managers of Program, Office, Maintenance, Food Service, and Communications and Development departments
  • Lead Program staff in Lakeshore’s becoming a newly ACA-accredited site
  • Create additional programs to meet the needs of the TWK Conference and its diverse constituencies and members
  • Regularly communicate with the Board Chair and attend Board meetings held 4 times a year
  • Work with Board to create a strategic plan for the next 10 years of Lakeshore’s ministry
  • Work with Board to create strategic marketing plan for the new reality of the UMC post-disaffiliation in the Tennessee Western Kentucky Conference
  • Act as on-site host approximately 2 times a month

Salary Range/Compensation Package:  $70,000-80,000; on site housing; health insurance; pension plan

Application Instructions:  Send cover letter and resume to

Open until filled

Website:  Lakeshore Camp & Retreat Center – Best summer camp and retreat center in West Tennessee