What We Believe

Perhaps you're wondering what labels apply to the UMCRM Association. Is our Association just for those who serve full-time at United Methodist Camps & Retreat Centers? Is our theology liberal, centrist, or conservative? What kind of Christians are we? Will you belong?

Our Association is a big tent. If you share our mission:

Committed to the mission of the church, the UMCRM Association resources, advocates, inspires, and networks to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries. 

...You belong. 

In fact, we have become a spiritual and professional home base for camp/retreat leaders from other denominations and from churches that have disaffiliated from the UMC. Our community includes people who work in camping full time as well as volunteers, retirees, and folks who just love camp. 

Join Us

Leading a Camp/Retreat Ministry can be challenging. UMCRM cares about you!
