We plan to offer a wide variety of workshops for camp and retreat ministry leaders serving in many different roles, for those new to this ministry as well as seasoned professionals. We give thanks for the many colleagues and Association partners who willingly volunteer to share their expertise with the community. We can't wait to explore and learn with you!
Mike Huber : What's a BEO?
John Spelman : Building Inclusive Camp Communities Through Cross-Cultural Competency
Mitzie Schafer : Planning for Planned Giving Shouldn't Wait
Mitzie Schafer : Grow Donor Revenue: Stop Asking for Stuff
Peggy Lovegren : Managing Volunteers - making it a Win-Win
Hope Montgomery : How to Create Your Own Staff Training Videos
Joel Wilke & Darci Utt : Keep the Fire Burning
Sharon Asmus : Overview of GCFA UMC Technology Support Services
Ryan Moore : On the Path: Indicators of Thriving Camps
Ryan Moore : Is There a Playbook? Best Practices in Strategic Planning
Allyson Ashmore : To Keep or Not to Keep: Employee Retention vs Termination
Shannon Bardole-Foley : Camp Registrar Round Table
Melinda Trotti : Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability: Cleaning Up Messy Relationships for More Sustainable Ministry
Beth Jenson : Meltdown Management: Staff Strategies for helping Neurospicies get back on track
Jonathan Curtis : Managing Camper Behavior with a Restorative Justice Mindset
Theresa Eggleston : Biblical Storytelling
Jody Oates : A Fresh Expression – Camp as a Faith Community
Shirlee Beasley : Walk the Labyrinth in Prayer
Gary D Lawson Sr : Ecological Integrity in Camp and Retreat Ministry
Martha Pierce : Fun In the Outdoors: Expanding Nature Programs
Erik Bengston : Build A Disc Golf Course
Becky Kilian : Food Allergies, Eating Disorders and Food Preferences
David Lovegren : Successful Food Service for Smaller Camps with Few Staff & Volunteers!
Erik Bengston : Short Season, Small Kitchen Operation
Jake Sorenson : Promising Strategies that Influence Family Faith Formation
Lisa Jean Hoefner : Expand your capacity to reach older adults
Jody Oates : A Fresh Expression – Camp as a Faith Community
David Berkey : The Spirit in Character Development: What We Do Changes Lives
Mike Huber : What's a BEO?
Lisa Jean Hoefner : Expand your capacity to reach older adults
Apryl Miller : Creating A Culture of Hospitality
Adam Ledbetter-Bock: Retreats Roundtable
Allyson Ashmore : To Keep or Not to Keep: Employee Retention vs Termination
Gary D Lawson Sr : Ecological Integrity in Camp and Retreat Ministry
Shirlee Beasley : Walk the Labyrinth in Prayer
Theresa Eggleston : Biblical Storytelling
Joel Wilke & Darci Utt : Keep the Fire Burning
Rachel McGuire : Vision + Reflection with Collage
Audrey Jordan : Young Adult Panel: The One For 20- or 30-somethings in Camping Ministry
Enger Muteteke : Why do we engage anti-racism work as disciples of Jesus?
Jessica Gamaché : Bridge-Building
John Spelman : Fostering Belonging: A Blueprint for Inclusive Camping
John Spelman : Building Inclusive Camp Communities Through Cross-Cultural Competency
Melinda Trotti : Using Community Organizing Principles within the UMC Connection to Enhance DEI
Mark Charles : Unsettling Truths: The ongoing, dehumanizing legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery